Live Update UE Charts from Google Sheets

How to Configure Ignition VP to Live Update UE Charts from Google Sheets

Step By Step Guide: How to Configure Ignition VP to Live Update UE Charts from Google Sheets

How to Configure Ignition VP to Live Update UE Charts from Google Sheets

Google sheet data being shown via VP into UE, then previewed in Preview in VP's Sequence Editor

1 Here you can see the data from the google sheet being represented via a google sheet connection (VP / Data Management), through a scene (VP / Scene Management) and being shown via a sequence point (VP / Sequence Editor) into UE.

VP / Sequence Editor / Auto-Update Enabled

2 In Sequence Editor ensure the lightning bolt is depressed - 'Auto-Update Enabled'.

VP / Data Management / Google sheets - Sync Sheets - Include in Auto-Sync

3 In Data Management ensure 'Auto Sync' is depressed. Note: The data shown here ('Data Management' - below 'Tables' and below 'Time Spent') is as per the data (from guide step 1) for column 'Test', i.e.: 1,1,1,1.

Google sheets - in mid-edit - replicated via 'Auto-Sync' (VP) into UE, fed as a preview (VP - PREVIEW) live!

4 This shows the columns in action animating betwen data values for the 'Test' column being manipulated in google sheets. Note: The google sheets entries are auto-synced into 'VP / Data Management', so, you can also see the changes take effect in there, as well as in your UE Preview.